I had a crisis of confidence in my chosen profession recently, two years after reopening here on the east coast. I kept torturing myself with questions: Is what I’m doing important? How am I really helping people?
I handled my crisis in confidence the same way I often do: I asked other people what they thought. I got some great answers that reaffirmed my belief in the importance of what I do.
My friend’s husband told me about how when he had his first apartment, he so badly wanted to settle in and make it his own that he went to a lumber yard and made this really terrible DIY furniture. He laughs about it now, but it was truly a creative and hopeful gesture toward creating his special place.
My au pair, who is 20 years old, told me about how her mother redecorated their house top to bottom after her father moved out. She told me it helped her mother imagine a new life. It helped to get all of the old stuff out and redirect her energy away from ruminating on past sad and happy times.